The advantages of studying in Germany

Did you know that one of the advantages of studying in Germany is the availability of courses in English? You don’t need to limit your choices to English-speaking countries such as Australia, England, the USA or Canada. Believe it or not, Germany offers a variety of courses taught in English, in several different areas of study, which means you don’t necessarily need to speak German to study in Germany. Of course, you can also make the most of your time at university and learn the language on the side while you’re there, bringing your resume up a notch.

In addition to that, education costs in Germany can be very affordable. An MBA in an English-speaking country will set you back around 50 thousand euros, while a similar 1,5-year course at a German private university will cost something between 8 and 20 thousand euros. German public universities can be even cheaper: expect to pay between 300 and 500 euros a year. Yes, that’s all – public schools are government-funded, and those few hundred euros are destined to cover administrative costs and also your public transportation ticket.

Well, so the language and the costs aren’t much of an obstacle – quite the opposite. These are a few of the many factors that make Germany so attractive to international students. But how much will it cost to live in Germany? Are students in Germany allowed to get a job for some extra cash?

The estimated cost of living for a student in Germany is around 900 euros a month, which is reasonably low when compared to other countries on the same level of economic and social development. If you’re an EU passport holder, you’ll be assured the same rights as German students, with free access to the job market. Students from outside the European Union are allowed to work 120 full-time days or 240 days in part-time a year.

What other advantages of studying in Germany are there, besides the financial perks?

Additional benefits of studying in Germany

Multicultural environment: just like you, people from all over the world see Germany as an excellent place for higher education. In 2020, Germany had 400,000 international students, coming in from countries such as China, the USA, Russia, France, India and Brazil.

High quality education: Germany is widely recognized as a leader in research and innovation, investing heavily in education.

Strategic location: nestled in the center of Europe, Germany is well connected both domestically and internationally, allowing for unrivaled mobility to explore local cultures and those of the neighboring countries.

Cultural heritage – due to a long and rich history, Germany offers countless opportunities for learning outside of the classroom. The country’s different regions have diverse origins and formations, their own traditions and dialects.

No matter which city or school you might choose, we at Germanics can help you decide – either by providing information about courses or helping out with recommendation letters and other required documents. Get in touch, book a chat with us and find out more about the Germanics mentorship.

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