Required documents for applying for an English-language Bachelor or Master program in Germany

One of the main questions people have about an English-language university program in Germany is the required documents for the application. Of course, the first thing you need to know is that the requirements may differ according to each university. Nevertheless, students should not leave some essential documentation for the last minute. That is why we have listed the documents required for application to help you with your preparations.

1. High School Transcripts and Certificate – Original document and its sworn English translation. Even if you already have a college degree and are applying for a postgraduate degree.

2. University Transcripts and Certificate – Original document and its sworn English translation.

3. CV in English.

4. Statement letter in English.

5. Two academic or professional letters of recommendation – in English.

6. A valid passport for at least two more years.

7. Certificate of English language proficiency – There are several options: TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge, TOEIC, ECPE, BEC, and GMAT. The most requested by universities are usually the first three. These exams require preparation, are offered on predetermined dates, and typically have a two-year validity period, so it is best to take them with reasonable anticipation.

8. Portfolio in PDF if you are a graphic designer or other visual arts professional.

Tips from Germanics:

– Start your preparations with school documents, certified translations, and proficiency tests.

– Sworn translations of transcripts and certificates can be arranged well in advance because they do not expire unless the original document is changed somehow.

– If you plan to apply to several universities, ask your recommenders to write letters of recommendation using the generic “to whom it may concern” statement. That way, you can use them for all your applications.

– Develop a basic template for your letter of recommendation and adapt it for each course and university.

Need some extra help? Our mentoring team consists of people who have already – successfully – gone through all these steps and can guide you on what to write, reviewing the Portuguese and English versions of your motivation letter, resume, portfolio, and give you many tips. So talk to us to save time and assure yourself of the best guidance in your application process.

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