Reasons to hire a higher education exchange mentorship at Germanics

Are you planning to study abroad but want to take it into your own hands just to “save some money”? Taking advantage of hiring a higher education exchange mentorship has financial advantages, saves your time, and avoids a lot of headaches.

If your destination is Germany, a higher education exchange mentorship by Germanics can make all the difference. Our mentorship is a process of guidance and monitoring that helps you choose the right course of study. It also helps you to apply to the country’s best public or private universities.

The German university system offers hundreds of higher-level courses in English to international students. At Germanics, we discuss in depth each of the courses in detail. We also provide an overview of the universities and their locations. So you can choose which program best fits your goals but always considering what will make you happiest.

Here are four of the main advantages that Germanics can bring to your study experience:

Expert guidance

Our mentors are professionals who have done several study exchanges. We have earned master’s degrees at German public universities and have been awarded scholarships in countries like Australia, Italy, Japan, Egypt, Turkey, and the United States. In addition, we live in Germany and other European countries and have actual field knowledge not available through Internet research.


We have contacts and partnerships with international students’ academic, legal, and professional orientation at universities, giving our team the best overview of discounts, scholarships, promotions, and opportunities on offer that are often not always publicly available. Also, if you are looking to get a scholarship in Germany, we can help you research and apply for the available scholarships, guiding you on what to write, and reviewing the Portuguese and English versions of your motivation letter, resume, portfolio, among other documents.


We will help you choose the most suitable study plan for your that best matches your goals and personality. As mentioned above, this includes access to the universities’ exclusive promotions and discounts. Best of all, our mentoring services are free of charge for students that choose to attend one of Germanics’ private partner universities!


Mishaps can happen, especially when you are in another country. With us, you will have someone to call and ask for help to solve any problem or doubt concerning your visa or university documentation. Our guidance also prevents you from wasting time and money with scams and situations that may want to take advantage of your inexperience in a foreign country.

Now that you know the reasons for hiring a higher education exchange mentorship, join us at Germanics. Take that first step to making your dream of studying in Germany come true and get in touch with our team. Make sure you follow us on social media for more information!

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