Proof of income to study in Germany

Brazilians who do not have European citizenship need to prove that they have enough financial resources to support themselves for twelve months while studying in Germany to do an academic exchange program. This proof is necessary for German language students and those who intend to go to a university.

Proof of financial resources will be required when the student arrives in Germany and is applying for a visa. It is important to remember that this proof of income is not a prerequisite for enrollment in the university. The student will have to show the documents just after the acceptance by the university and arrival in Germany.

Through this proof of income, the German Government will know that the student will support themselves in the country during the academic year. In 2022, you must provide evidence of 10,332 euros per year. Remember to check the correct amount when deciding on your study program in Germany, as this amount is frequently updated.

Blocked Account

There are different alternatives for providing proof of income, but one of the most common is the Sperrkonto, or Blocked Account, a particular account, especially for international students in Germany.

For the minimum amount mentioned above, you must open the BLOCKED ACCOUNT in a German bank authorized by the Government – such as Deutsche Bank, Fintiba, Expatrio, and Coracle. For a year, while in the country, the student can withdraw a maximum of 861 euros per month.

Proof of income and bank assets of parents or legal guardians

Another form of proof of income is a statement of income or financial support of the student’s parents or legal guardians. This document must be translated into English and show that the student’s parents or legal guardians have €5,166 for six months for a monthly withdrawal of €861.

Please note that the Foreigners’ Department (Ausländerbehörde) in your city may request the same 10,332 euros requested for the blocked account if it deems it necessary. This amount, referring to twelve months, is usually required for students from countries like China, India, and Ghana, responsible for the most significant number of visa requests in Germany.

For Brazilians, often, the amount for six months is well accepted. But, the best way to guarantee this is to prove the amount for the twelve months of study.

Sponsor in Germany

You can also prove that you will support yourself in Germany during your academic exchange through a sponsor. The sponsor must be living legally in Germany and doesn’t need to be family related to the student. As a sponsor, this person will sign a term in which they will be responsible for paying all the student’s expenses before the German Government for the entire study period (Verpflichtungserklärung).

To qualify to become a sponsor, a person must prove a minimum net income that varies from city to city. To find out the exact amount required by your city’s Foreigners Department, search on Google the term Verpflichtungserklärung + the town’s name.

Immediate Family – spouse and children

If you plan to come to Germany with your family, the proof of income must be the same for any one member of the family. It is important to remember that the student can work 20 hours per week, and the spouse can work 40 hours.

When you hire Germanics Mentorship for academic exchange, you will have our specialized assistance in all stages of the process to come and study in Germany. So contact us; it will be a pleasure to talk with you.

Outras notícias

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