Private University in Germany: Your Passport to an International Career

Have you already decided to attend an undergraduate or graduate school at a private university in Germany? So the next step is to ask yourself what your goal is after completing the course.

The choice between a public or private German university balances financials and what is best for your future.

German public universities are ideal for those who prefer scientific, academic, and theory-oriented approaches focusing on research. They offer master’s and doctoral programs in English, but most undergraduate programs are in German. On the other hand, private universities differ by focusing on practice. Besides that, students can take undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programs in English. That is why private universities can be the gateway to the job market for those who want to build a career abroad.

Germany ranks third in the world in terms of the employability of recent graduates. The students from private universities often find jobs quickly because they can count on career orientation services to support them.

It is important to note that studying at a private university in Germany is less expensive than taking a course in the USA, Australia, Canada, or the UK.

Job market orientation

The private German universities have structures dedicated to professional orientation and career support for their students. There are support centers that include job interview simulators, resume-building tools, and local and international job vacancy search systems. They also offer lectures with entrepreneurs and potential employers and encourage networking among alumni.

Many private universities in Germany also have agreements with well-known companies and institutions that offer intern positions. During the program, a student who does not have a European passport has the right to work 120 full days or 240 part-time days in a year. After graduation, students can apply for a job-seeker visa in Germany for up to 18 months.

Choosing a private university in Germany is much more than an investment in quality education. Don’t forget: all undergraduate and master’s courses at Germanics‘ partner private universities are in English. And they can make a big difference in your professional goals! So contact us and find out all that this path can offer to you.


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