How to apply for a Job Seeker Visa in Germany

You already know that when you study at a private university in Germany, it is very likely that you can get a job during your studies. If not, you can apply for a visa that entitles you to seek employment for 18 months in the country. Didn’t know that? Then today, you will find out how the Job Seeker Visa works in Germany.

After you graduate from a higher education course in Germany, you can apply for a residence permit to search for a job in your profession for up to 18 months. This visa gives you the right to work in other activities while looking for a position in your field. This additional time is granted solely for this purpose.

When you place yourself on-the-job market, your position needs to match your qualifications. In other words, your tasks must be the same for which you have been preparing yourself during your studies.

If you fulfill these requirements, you can get a working visa for Germany. However, this requires a new visa from the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit). You can apply for this unique type of visa as soon as you get approved as a skilled worker in your field.

Tips from Germanics

  • The body responsible for applying for a Job Seeker Visa in Germany is the foreigners’ registration office (Ausländerbehörde) in the city where you live.
  • Want to travel to another country or visit your family after graduation and then come back to look for a job afterward? That’s fine. But be careful: If you have already been granted a jobseeker visa for 18 months, you can only stay outside Germany for up to 6 months. If you stay longer, you will lose your residence permit.
  • You should apply for a Job Seeker Visa for Germany immediately after graduation. Of course, you can also do it a bit later, but in this case, your permit will be limited to 6 months. Also, you will not be allowed to work during this period.

Do you have any questions? Then contact Germanics. So our mentors can help you.

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