How a German Blocked Account works

If you want to study in Germany and do not have European citizenship, you need to prepare. To get a student visa, you will have to prove that you have enough financial resources (Finanzierungsnachweis) to sustain yourself in the country.

These resources must cover your living costs as a student in Germany for an entire year. For example, in 2021, you need to prove a minimum of 10,332 euros for 12 months.

There are different options for providing proof of income. Still, one of the most common is the Sperrkonto, or Blocked Account, a particular account created specifically for international students in Germany.

You must open a Blocked Account with the minimum amount of 10,332 euros at one of the banks authorized by the German Government – such as Deutsche Bank, Fintiba, Expatrio, and Coracle.

Throughout the year, students can only withdraw a maximum of 861 euros per month while in Germany (hence the name ‘blocked’).

How to open a German Blocked Account?

The rules and the required documents to open an account may vary a little depending on the bank, but the essential documentation is:

  • Account opening form
  • Valid passport
  • Acceptance letter from the university

If everything is in order, you will have a Blocked Account within a week— but it is better to try to do it as early as possible. There are peak demand periods, which may delay the opening of the account and consequently the approval of your visa.

The choice of a bank in Germany is up to you. However, it is crucial to be aware of some details such as opening and maintenance fees. There is also the option of including student health insurance in the banking services.

Do you want to know more about the Blocked Account and other forms of proof of income to apply for a student visa in Germany? Then talk to us, follow us on social media, and miss our videos with more tips.

Outras notícias

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