Germanics Mentorship: the key to a successful higher education course

We have already explained that the German public university is practically free and gives universal access to any international student who meets the requirements to take a course here. This article will introduce Mentoring Germanics, the gateway to a successful academic exchange!

While 97% of undergraduate courses at public universities are taught in German, a definitive barrier for international students, there are hundreds of master’s degrees in English at German public universities. The student pays a small semester fee to attend them, including the right to use public transportation.

As many of you already know, I am Denise Carvalho, founder of Germanics. In 2016, I took a public master’s degree in Cultural Heritage Studies at the Brandenburg Technical University (BTU) in Cottbus, roughly a hundred kilometres from Berlin. I had already been an exchange student as a teenager and loved the experience. On my second exchange, I discovered that Germany is a great country, full of opportunities for international students and professionals. So I founded Germanics, the first 100% Brazilian company focused on German higher education.

We place Brazilian, and other nationality students in thirteen Germanics partner private universities, always in English courses. It is important to emphasise that the student does not pay any additional costs for this service.

But in addition, we also offer Germanics Mentoring for Master’s Degrees in English at hundreds of German public universities.

But what is Germanics Mentoring?

Germanics Mentoring is a consulting service to help you in the process of choosing and applying to Germany’s best public universities for Master’s programs in English.

Our team comprises professionals who have studied at German public universities and have been awarded scholarships for exchanges in countries such as the United States, Australia, Italy, Japan, Egypt, and Turkey, among others.

The first step to making your dream of studying in Germany come true is to contact our team. During this initial contact, we will ask you to fill out a form that will help us get to know you better: your academic background, grade point average, work experience, fluency in English or German, nationalities, areas of interest, financial situation, and, of course, your goals and wishes regarding your studies in Germany.

We will schedule our first 45-minute video conference with you with this information in hand. First, we’ll tell you a little about Germanics and what our team will do to get you accepted at a German public university. Furthermore, we will explain the minimum requirements Brazilian students need to meet in Germany and discuss the study plan that best fits their reality and wishes.

Our experts will select the five best university programs according to your profile, needs, and wishes. In addition, we will make a rigorous selection from a database of all available courses in English for international students in Germany.

We will make a detailed presentation of what we have selected for you, discussing each chosen course in depth. We will also tell you about the universities and the cities where they are located, helping you visualise which program best suits your plans but always considering what will make you happiest. After all, some people want to live in large, cosmopolitan cities, while others prefer the quiet of a more traditional experience offered by a medium-sized or small town.

To move to the final step of the process, you will choose the three options that best meet your needs.

Our staff will assist you with the step-by-step application process for each of the three programs you choose. We will help you plan all aspects of the process within specific time frames to meet the dates of each university. We will write all the necessary content together with you. Likewise, we will advise you on the wording and proofread the Portuguese and English versions of the letters of motivation and recommendation, resume, portfolio, and all other documents requested by each institution.

Throughout the application process, Germanics will be available to answer your questions and help you with any issues.

As an additional service, we can also help you apply for existing scholarships in the country for Brazilian students.

If you plan to come to Germany to do your free master’s, talk to us!

Outras notícias

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